Fractions to Decimals

FREE Fractions to Decimals Digital Escape Room

Engage students with this interactive escape room, mastering fractions to decimals. Exciting math adventure for 6th graders. Try it today!


Are you in search of a dynamic and no-prep activity to empower your 6th-grade students with a deep understanding of converting fractions to decimals? Look no further! Our interactive digital escape room is meticulously crafted to captivate your students while reinforcing crucial math concepts. This immersive experience is accessible on laptops, tablets, or smartphones, making it a convenient choice for modern classrooms.

Exploring Fractions to Decimals Conversion Through Travel

Your students are in for an exciting journey as they virtually visit two distinct locations: Belgium and California. But there’s a catch—traveling from one place to another hinges on their ability to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. With 10 challenging operations to conquer, this mathematical adventure promises engagement and enrichment.

Simplify Your Teaching Experience

The beauty of our escape room lies in its online format, which demands minimal preparation on your part. To get started, all you need to do is duplicate the student answer sheet and provide them with the link. There’s no need to worry about configuring locks or hiding clues; everything is seamlessly integrated into the online experience. Plus, there’s no requirement for Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams logins, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

Reveal New Locations with Each Success

As students successfully complete each game, they will uncover a link that whisks them away to another captivating location. This element of surprise keeps them motivated and eager to take on more mathematical challenges. It’s a journey of discovery that celebrates their achievements.

Transforming Fractions to Decimals into an Adventure

Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize the way your students learn fractions to decimals. This innovative escape room activity is designed to make math exciting and interactive. Witness your students’ mathematical skills soar as they embark on a virtual expedition through Belgium and California.

Seamless Integration into Your Curriculum

With its engaging content and user-friendly setup, this digital escape room is a valuable addition to your teaching resources. It’s time to turn fractions to decimals into an adventure that your students will eagerly embrace. Don’t wait—transform your math lessons into exciting escapades today!

Fractions to Decimals

Fractions to Decimals